Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Does smacking at kids motivate them?


To smacking or not to smack at kids. This is the most common law in every countries and it had been argued for years whether child smacking should be banned or not to be banned. It is a question that face by every parents in their child in early years. Many research, debates, surveys and interviews had been done over many years as well as many pros and cons. Parents they all hope their kids will be good but this doesn't occur if they don't give a proper parenting and teaching techniques starting from they were young. Parents play an important role concerning to this smacking law in the society today.

The smacking law in New Zealand

In 2009, Prime minister, John Key states that no change is needed for the anti-smacking and is appropriate to gave them a light smack. A review from last year by Nigel Latta, a clinical psychologist found out that the police and Child Youth and Family (CYF) didn't prosecuted any parents for smacking, and light smacking were not investigated as well unless other circumstances were at play. John Key had also presented the findings of the review into how anti-smacking law is being used. "Yes, I think so" and said the law was clear that such matters should not be treated as a criminal offence. In August 2009, 87% of those who voted said no to the question: "Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?" Mr Latta was shocked that a parent smacking their child, and it should become a criminal investigation. Therefore he intended to find out more cases from the Family First New Zealand that parents had been inappropriately investigated or prosecuted. 

This case continues unto March 2010, the Curia poll reveals that 44% of parents admitted to smacking their children "to correct their behavior when they believed it was reasonable and appropriate to do so." The latest poll shows that people who agree with the law are rising slowly and people who against the law have start to fallen. However, up until now is the smacking debate really over? It seems that it is a long-term issue and there might be new results in future concerning the smacking law and anti-smacking law in New Zealand.

The smacking law on other countries 

The smacking law around other countries had also been an issues and whether is acceptable. This video (http://www.kidglue.com/2009/11/19/video-spanking-is-right-or-wrong/) shows the thoughts of the New York's mums on what they think of spanking children. Some says it is common because that's what their parents did to do when they were young as well. Spanking now is still going on although in less frequency. 90% of Australian mothers believed that smacking was acceptable and appropriate. 

But others are strongly against it and it should be ban, not in the family but also at school. Such as in Canada, they think the children should claim the same right as adults and treated equally. "If you hit an adult, it is an assault, but if you hit a child in the context of discipline, it is justified under our current law" . In Britain, there's a same concept as New Zealand's smacking law about lightly smacks a child shouldn't be subject to prosecution and although they don't really suggest parents to smack their child, neither they support a ban which would make smacking a crime and it therefore also the decision are make for the parents.


Children who were spanked proved to be more defiant, more easily frustrated and more demanding of instant satisfaction of wants and needs. Spanking is effective because it installs fear, rather than understanding of why a particular behavior shouldn't continue. And some children will become more disciplined. However, for a few children spanking and smacking are simply not effective. The children are unique so we have to understand each of their characteristics so that we could create and design the parenting techniques to fit that particular child. 

This websites shows the pros and cons view around the world toward spanking or not spanking the children. It is ok to spank kids sometimes, but it must be sure that the child gets the message and parents need to be careful not to go too far. And parents need to explain and help them to understand why a behavior is wrong and why did they got smack.


The law of smacking or spanking children are globally affected even now. Many arguments and debates are still going on to whether to ban or not to ban the smacking law. Although there are many campaign and helping lines set up to help the family problems in each of every country, to help them and give them advice of how to raise children in a proper way, however, the laboring are still depend on the parents. There are some children disregard the threat of punishment and continue to misbehave. But some children will only be disciplined after being smack. 

From my point of view, I agreed the smacking law because you can really tell the different of the child who has been smack and the child who never got smack. Just by how they talk and behaving, there's a differences. Because when I was child, I always got smack when I'm misbehaving and slowly I learned from the punishment. I think other reasons is that the cultural are different. When I came to New Zealand and saw how they teach the kids, I was surprised in some way but also felt that some children are being spoiled too much because there wasn't any smacking occurs. And I realized there's a law in New Zealand about smacking kids. It is good in some ways because I've study early childhood before therefore I understand. But I still agreed on smacking kids at the end.  Do you spank your kids?

Dr. James Dobson. (2000) Does smacking work for All Kids? Retrived from http://www.focus.org.nz/default.aspx?go=article&aid=699 

Pinky Mckay. (2002-2010) Smacking: To smack or Not To Smack? Retrived from http://www.bellybelly.com.au/articles/child/to-smack-or-not-to-smack

WorldNetDaily. (2003)  The New world disorder: U.N. rules Canada should ban spanking. Retrived October 09, 2003, from http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=35000 

Bridget Tyler. New study reveals concrete effects of spanking on Children's Personalities. Retrived April 13th, 2010, from http://www.kidglue.com/2010/04/13/new-study-reveals-concrete-effects-of-spanking-on-childrens-personalities/

New Zealand Herald. (2009) Smacking law appropriate as is, says Key. Retrived December 07, 2009, from http://www.nzherald.co.nz/the-smacking-debate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501165&objectid=10614013 

Simon Collins. (2010) Polls finds smacking making comeback. Retrived March 31, 2010, from http://www.nzherald.co.nz/the-smacking-debate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501165&objectid=10635490 

Harriet Jones-Fenleigh. (2001)  Should there be an outright ban on the smacking or spanking of children? Retrived November 30, 2001, from http://www.idebate.org/debatabase/topic_details.php?topicID=319 

Jenny McCartney. (2008) Smacking children is a decision for parents. Retrived October 12, 2008, from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/jennymccartney/3562760/Smacking-children-is-a-decision-for-parents.html

Tammy Gold. (2009, December 01)  Spanking Debate. Retrived from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPCI2g3U_5Y&feature=related 

Eddie Dickens. (2010). Smacking children should not be made illegal. Retrived from http://debatewise.org/debates/359-smacking-children-should-not-be-made-illegal


  1. Hi Amy!!
    This is Yoon.. Your topic is really interested, even though there is no postings yet... I do not know which side do you support..But frankly, I agree with proper punishiments to children...
    Becasue children do not have stable mind like adults and if they do not learn from their faults through punishments, they could not recognize what they had done....However, those punishments will be stopped when childern are teenager. At that moment, they can understand what parents are saying so I agree with some punishments....
    Well.. It was just my opinion...K.. If you do not mind...Can you come to my blog and leave critical comment ? This is my blog address
    I wrote about animal testing.. Thank You!!

  2. Hi yoon ^^ thanks for your comment and suggestion XD
    I agreed with you about there should be AT LEAST some punishment or else they would never know what they've done wrong..=D

  3. Hi Amy I read your post and I partly agree to your opinion abot smacking. I argue that smaking must be used carefully to educate children because of my experience. My father is realy gentle and not so angry any time but also really scary when he get angry so I could know I did really bud things when he smacked me - just only a few time. So I suggest to smack children if they do really bad thing, to tell how it is serious problem.

  4. Hi Amy,
    Nice topic!
    I remember before smakcing kids was banned, it was not really an issue that I would think about until one day the news started to talk about it.

    Although violence is not good and I am totally aginst it, but sometimes I would think the other side of it i.e. Pressure tolerance.

    There are many other punishments for kids and those punishments besides smacking are probably more effective than smacking. However, is smacking kid completely that bad?
    Anyway, was very interesting to read about this in your blog.
    Cheers! Nice work
